Monday, October 7, 2013

Hubbell fifth graders have been working on finishing up their IB unit, How the World Works. We had some pretty active volcanoes. Now we are working on PowerPoints about a scientific leader and how his/her discoveries have impacted the world.
In fifth grade math, we are finishing up on multidigit multiplication and division. Keep working on those math facts...homework won't take quite so long. We will be testing on this Friday.

In sixth grade math, they have finished their first unit and have moved on to fractions and decimals. Do you remember the factor trees we did last year? These are coming in handy. The students have been modeling their math thinking during class.

Band lessons continue this week. Chorus is meeting on Tuesdays from 3:00-3:45 and Writing Club meets on Thursdays from 3:00-4:00.

Conferences are coming up...notes will be sent home to remind you of the times and dates you signed up for at Open House.